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Use @Qualifier to inject collections groups in Spring

· One min read
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When using collection dependency injection in Spring, sometimes it's necessary to group multiple beans of the same type. This can be achieved by using either @Qualifier or custom qualifier annotations.


public class QualifiedBeansConfig {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QualifiedBeansConfig.class);

public static final String MY_QUALIFIER_A = "MY_QUALIFIER_A";
public static final String MY_QUALIFIER_B = "MY_QUALIFIER_B";

public MyBean myBean1() {
return new MyBean("1");

public MyBean myBean2() {
return new MyBean("2");

public MyBean myBean3() {
return new MyBean("3");

public static class BeanCollections {
public BeanCollections(final List<MyBean> myBeansList,
@Qualifier(MY_QUALIFIER_A) final Set<MyBean> myBeansSet,
@Qualifier(MY_QUALIFIER_B) final Map<String, MyBean> myBeansMap
) {"myBeansList: {}", myBeansList);"myBeansSet: {}", myBeansSet);"myBeansMap: {}", myBeansMap);


...   : myBeansList: [MyBean[key=1], MyBean[key=2], MyBean[key=3]]
... : myBeansSet: [MyBean[key=1], MyBean[key=2]]
... : myBeansMap: {myBean3=MyBean[key=3]}

Custom Qualifier Annotation

Another approach is to use Custom Qualifier Annotation:

@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
public @interface QualifierA {

@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
public @interface QualifierB {


  • @Qualifier(MY_QUALIFIER_A) to @QualifierA
  • @Qualifier(MY_QUALIFIER_B) to @QualifierB

to achieve the same goal.